October 2021 marked the debut of the first ever PDGA sanctioned PHX Fund Memorial disc golf tournament. Despite rain and chilly temperatures, 58 golfers showed up in support to help make the 5th annual tournament a huge success. Friends and family also weathered the storm to help organize the raffle and the players. There were games, laughs, brave souls trudging through intermittent downpour, and $3200 in funds raised benefiting youth in the community! Combined with the disc sales from the 2020 tournament that was unfortunately not held due to pandemic, individual contributions, the always generously stocked raffle, and company sponsors, the fund had $6000 to allocate to 4 Columbus City School Orthopedically Impaired programs. None of this would be possible without the support of so many incredible individuals. Youth in classrooms continue to have access to items that improve their participation, give them a voice, and assist in their education. We look forward to another successful tournament in 2022. Thank you to everyone involved!