The PHX Fund for Adapted Technology currently supports 4 public school locations in Columbus with classrooms dedicated to the education and enrichment of children who require individualized opportunities either based on mental or physical need. Due to the overwhelming success of the 6th Annual PHX Fund Memorial tournament held in June of 2022, the fund is expecting to extend assistance to additional schools. The tournament hosted 135 competitors this Summer and was generously supported by the Columbus Flyers Disc Golf club as well as the participation of the local disc golf community. Tournament Directors Kristy Moore and Erin Holland took on the task of expanding the field to play on 2 courses which doubled the available registration. That meant extra work and planning which was handled with ease from the club’s experienced members. The raffle was again a huge area of the fundraising efforts with gift cards donated from local vendors, handmade creations from local artists, and community members donating from their personal collection of disc golf items that all helped the raffle be over 75 items. With the tournament player participation, Columbus Flyers Disc Golf support, tournament stamped disc sales, individual contributions, and the raffle, the fund was able to add $6,500 to be distributed this Fall to classrooms. We look forward to sharing how youth are excelling in school assisted by the items purchased and donated by the PHX Fund for Adapted Technology. Thank you again to the community and supporters who are truly creating opportunities for individuals to participate in the classroom. The ability to access educational and socially advancing tools is life changing for so many children.